Movimento Internazionale per i diritti civili – Solidarietà


LaRouche avverte il presidente Bush in merito all'attentato di Madrid: non esplodere in atti di folle furore, prima informati a dovere

L'11 marzo, il candidato democratico alla Presidenza degli Stati Uniti, Lyndon LaRouche, ha emesso la seguente dichiarazione sulla serie di attentati dinamitardi avvenuti nella mattinata a Madrid.

EIR, 11 marzo – Le atrocità verificatesi in Spagna mi ricordano la strage della stazione di Bologna avvenuta nel 1980. Non sono sopreso di un tale atto di brutale terrorismo. In qualitàdi figura pubblica di spicco negli Stati Uniti, presento le seguenti precise valutazioni al Governo e al Partito Democratico.

Già nell'agosto dell'anno scorso, ammonii contro sviluppi precisamente di questo tipo, a seguito delle affermazioni del vice presidente Dick Cheney, con le quali egli si riferiva a nuove minacce terroristiche agli Stati Uniti. In quell'occasione dissi che sarebbe stato cruciale esplorare la componente di lingua spagnola dell'apparato sinarchista internazionale. Indicai le reti italiane, francesi, spagnole, sudamericane e centroamericane che si stavano concentrando sugli Stati Uniti. Questi ambienti furono attivati lungo le linee del programma di Scontro delle Civiltàdi Samuel Huntington, con lo scopo di provocare un confronto tra gli Stati Uniti e la popolazione ispanica delle Americhe e della penisola iberica stessa.

In questo contesto, faccio appello al Presidente Bush: Non innescare, ripeto, non innescare alcuna reazione di folle furore agli eventi di Madrid. E' necessario fare chiarezza con un'indagine dei serivizi. Sappiamo qual èl'origine di questi attacchi terroristici. Bisogna partire dall'internazionale sinarchista, dagli amici internazionali della nipote di Mussolini, attivi in Italia, in Francia, in Spagna e nelle Americhe. Non fare che la cosa si ripeta ancora.



Riportiamo di seguito in inglese la dichiarazione a cui LaRouche fa riferimento che risale all'8 agosto. I riferimenti a queste analisi di LaRouche sono stati diffusi in Italia dalla newletter Strategic Alert dell'EIR (numeri 31 e 32) e una più ampia documentazione è stata pubblicata dalla nostra rivista Solidarietà [LA MINACCIA DI UN NUOVO 11 SETTEMBRE]


Lyndon LaRouche, in his capacity as the leading Democratic pre-candidate for the U.S. Presidency, stated yesterday that he is concerned that U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney will deliver on his promised terrorist threat inside the U.S. LaRouche said that his personal judgment as a Presidential candidate is that there are two major sources for such a terrorist threat. Both threats are coming from the synarchist allies of Vice President Dick Cheney. The first source is the Israeli network associated with Rafi Eytan. The second threat comes from the synarchist allies of Vice President Cheney centered on the fascist network of Blas Pinar in Spain.
LaRouche emphasized that we now have evidence from Europe of the mobilization since last November of the fascist international of Franco veteran Blas Pinar. This network is threatening to organize operations against the U.S. from among Hispanic or Hispanic-American sources. Thus, Cheney is threatening to use either Israeli terrorism or terrorism on the part of his synarchist allies, like those around Blas Pinar in Spain, to create an incident comparable to 9/11 in behalf of his policy.
LaRouche said that when Cheney talks about "weapons of mass destruction,'' he is using the wrong language. He actually means "constructing messes'' inside the United States, as in "weapons of mess construction.''
LaRouche warned:
"Our counterintelligence work against this attack upon us from Europe is already under way. The identity of the forces engaged in the action launched against us by a Synarchist (i.e., fascist) network running from Italy through Spain and France into Argentina, has been settled as to fact. Most among the individual component organizations of that collection, taken one at a time, are relatively small, if muscular organizations, such as the members of the alliance being stitched together around the kernel of a fascist unity pact between a Spanish Falange organization and Franco veteran Blas Pinar. These organizations are being coordinated, financially and otherwise, by the same financier-backed cartel and its associated, occult freemasonic association which created the fascist international movements of the 1921-1945 interval. This association, with its included, self-identified "Points of the Compass''/Gladio representatives, is, as a matter of fact already in hand, an attempt to revive an operation originally run by the Nazi party of the 1930s and early 1940s, into the same old Nazi networks run through Franco Spain into the Central and South America of the 1930s and 1940s.
"The notable included characteristic of this neo-Nazi style of regroupment, is the included representation of groups of the type associated with the terrorist waves of the 1970s and 1980s. This will not be overlooked by relevant representatives of various nations. The orchestration of the kidnapping- assassination of Italy's Aldo Moro and the Bologna railway-station bombing, is a typical point of reference for understanding the apparent right-left paradoxes posed by the already available evidence concerning this regroupment. Thus, by exposing itself in this way, that regroupment of fascist warriors from the past, has made itself a target of interest for sundry governments and others today. Serious governments will now tend to work together, to send these Nietzschean, conservative revolution Draculas from the past, back to the crypts whence they came.
"Do not underestimate the problem. As I have already indicated here, the motley assortment of international fascist elements assembled around veteran Franco fascist Blas Pinar, should remind us of the similar cover used, as during the 1970s, for the waves of Baader-Meinhof and Red Brigades terror during the 1970s. The general qualification of the clearly expendable riff-raff drawn into Spain from France and Italy, is precisely of that quality. We must not overlook the coincidence between Blas Pinar's recent activity and Vice-President Cheney's threat to unleash new strokes of terrorism against the U.S.A. Agreed, the obvious vehicle for terrorist attacks against the U.S. would be known specialists at the disposal of the current, fascist government of Israel. However, at bottom, the circles of Netanyahu and Sharon are not only fascists, but also part of the Synarchist International. We could have a real mess on our hands, if we do not act quickly to bring this Synarchist infection of our own government under control.''
One of the key participants in the November meeting in Spain was Roberto Fiore of the Italian fascist organization, New Force. Fiore was a fugitive from Italy after the Bologna train-station bombing. He had been a member of the Armed Revolutionary Nucleus (NAR) and fled to London, England where he founded the New Force, which organization bears the same name as Blas Pinar's party in Spain. The fact that Fiore was a fugitive after the Bologna train-station bombing underscores the terrorist threat from this synarchist network.

Un'analisi più approfondita sullo stesso argomento scritta dal giornalista dell'EIR Jeff Steinberg è disponibile a questo link:

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